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Aerial view of Padang Padang cliffs

The Ultimate Guide to Surfing Baby Padang

Swell Direction
SE Light to Strong. There are high cliffs here that offer great protection from strong trade winds. The wave does not break very far from the shore so even on the windiest days the conditions will be clean.
Surf Height
Shoulder to head high is best. Strong currents if bigger and long waits for sets if smaller.
Ability Level
Beginner, Intermediate
Local Vibe
Crowd Factor
Spot Rating
Shoulder Burn
Water Quality
Strong rip on bigger days, shallow reef at low tide, gets crowded with beginners.
Bring Your
Fish, Funboard, Longboard, Shortboard, SUP
Clifftop parking. Long walk down a winding staircase. 15,000 IDR entry fee to be paid.
Best Season
Dry Season (April-October)


Baby Padang aka Padang Padang Rights is the smaller sibling of Padang Padang — the Balinese pipeline — and a beginner-friendly surf spot also perfect for intermediates who can ride the green unbroken waves.

The waves here are typically smaller and softer than at other surf spots in Bali. There are several other reasons that make Baby Padang excellent for learning to surf.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know to have an amazing experience surfing Baby Padang.

Baby Padang surf spot information

Baby Padang is a soft reef break that breaks both left and right. It works best on a small to medium-sized swell.

While Padang Padang Lefts needs a big swell to work, Baby Padang can work well with a much smaller swell.

Baby Padang can handle most swell sizes. But a head-high wave is about the perfect size for intermediate surfers at Baby Padang. Any bigger than head-high and the current can become difficult to handle.

A head and a half high is about the maximum size for soft-breaking waves. Baby Padang will break very hard when above that size. On bigger swells, high tide is better as the wave will break too fast on a lower tide.

Total beginner surfers can start off on the inside by learning to ride the broken white water waves.

Since beginner surfers do not need to paddle out the back, you can learn to surf at Baby Padang even when the swell is large, as long as the tide is high enough to avoid scraping the reef.

Drone shot of surfer at Baby Padang

But when the waves get to around double overhead size, the current becomes too strong. In this case, it’s better to move to a spot more sheltered from the swell.

As you progress from a beginner to an intermediate, you can challenge yourself by going further into the lineup and testing yourself on the unbroken green wave.

Baby Padang is the place to ride your first green wave. Nothing compares with the feeling of riding an unbroken wave for the first time, it feels like floating on a magic carpet. Totally addictive, and can not be compared to any other earthly experience.

At Baby Padang, there is a short right-hander that breaks into the channel (read on to learn more about the channel). And a fast left-hander that can offer long rides and reform waves

It’s possible to ride the left almost all the way to the next surf break over, Impossibles. Long rides are great for improving your surfing as you get a better feeling for the board and your balance improves naturally.

Baby Padang is an excellent beginner and intermediate wave due to its consistency, predictive nature, and length of ride.

The channel at Baby Padang

You’ll find a deep water channel at Baby Padang. This is a unique feature of this surf spot and is another reason why it’s so good for novices.

The channel at Baby Padang means you won’t have to battle against rolling white water to make it back to the lineup. You can easily paddle to the lineup via the channel.

You can also use the channel as a place to rest if you’re feeling tired, need a break, or want to get a good view of the other surfers.

Surfers paddling out into the lineup at Padang.

There is always a rip current in the channel that will take you out to the lineup. So it’s best to enjoy the free ride and not waste your energy by rushing back as you will need that energy to catch the next wave.

The right-hand wave at Baby Padang breaks into the channel. So if you get a good right-hand breaking wave, then you’ll be brought into the channel and you can easily paddle back into the lineup.

Getting out of the water at Baby Padang is easy because the white water takes you toward the beach. If you’re lucky you can ride the white water almost all the way to dry land.

But be careful to not ding your board (or yourself) in the shallow water on a piece of the reef.

Safety tips for Baby Padang

The dangers of surfing Baby Padang aren’t as serious as Padang Padang Lefts.

But there are still some important things to consider, so read on.

One of the biggest dangers at Baby Padang is other surfers. Baby Padang can often get crowded, particularly by beginner surfers with big boards.

It’s not uncommon to see longboards flying in the air by a clueless misguided beginner. You do not want to be hit on the head by one of these big boards.

So always be aware of your surroundings and make sure you have plenty of space. You’ll also want to be conscious of the current.

The deep-water channel between Padang Padang Lefts and Baby Padang can create a powerful rip current. The bigger the swell, the stronger the current.

So you’ll want to avoid surfing Baby Padang on a day when the swell is big because the current becomes too strong.

Beach Scene at Padang Padang beach

When you’re in the lineup, you may notice that the current pushes you away from the optimal take-off spot. So take note of where you are relative to the land, and make sure to paddle back to the correct position.

Baby Padang is a reef break, so there are sharp rocks beneath the surface that can be hazardous. It’s best to avoid surfing here at lower tides.

When you wipe out, make sure to not stretch your limbs out, or you could risk getting cut on the reef. A common mistake is to put your feet down too hard and get a reef cut.

If you find yourself under the water, then hold your breath and be patient. You will naturally float to the surface. Drinking seawater is the most dangerous risk at any surf break and can lead to drowning. Never ever drink seawater. Keep your mouth closed and stay calm at all times.

You’ll generally want to avoid surfing Baby Padang at low tide because the water will be shallower, and you run a greater risk of getting injured on the reef.

Small waves break in shallower water. So if the white water is quite powerful, then you can be assured that the water is deep enough not to hit the reef.

How to enter and exit the surf at Baby Padang?

The channel is the easiest and quickest way to access the surf break. There is always a flow of water, and it will take you directly to the spot with very little effort.

Getting back in you want to avoid the channel as the water is flowing the wrong way. At high tide if you pick the right wave it will take you all the way to the beach. At lower tide you need to be careful of hitting the reef, but it is generaly very easy to exit the water at Baby Padang.

When is the best time to surf Baby Padang?

The best time for intermediates to surf Baby Padang is during the dry season, which runs from April to October. The wind direction during the dry season is usually offshore and helps to create the optimal wave.

For beginner surfers, wind direction is less important and the only requirements are to have rolling whitewater breaking in a safe depth of water. You’ll almost always find a wave breaking at Baby Padang during mid-tide and in the dry season. But the smaller the swell, the slower the waves will come.

Beginners will want to avoid surfing Baby Padang at low tide because you run the risk of injuring yourself on the reef beneath the surface.

Since Baby Padang can get busy, early mornings can be a quiet time. Padang Padang Surf Camp is frequently the first people in the water. We like to call this the golden hour (the time before other surfers arrive).

Drone shot of the lineup at Padang Padang.

If the surf is really small, then you may consider heading up to Uluwatu where the waves are generally bigger. Uluwatu is not recommended for beginners but it can be excellent for intermediates when the swell is very small. Read our guide to surfing Uluwatu here.

You’ll want to surf Baby Padang on a day when the swell is no more than head-high. Baby Padang doesn’t hold well when the waves are bigger than this, and the current becomes too strong.

When the swell gets big, we recommend hooking up with a local surf camp or surf school that will know the best location and tide to surf for your ability.

Baby Padang can be a good spot for intermediates during the wet season, as the waves are usually not too big, but the winds are not so reliable and the wave can get blown out some days. However the headland does offer some protection from the wind, and there will be some excellent days where the wind is offshore all day, and other days where the wind will drop completely or switch direction for a few hours. The wet season is still a good time to come to Bali, but you’re going to have to be flexible in choosing a surf spot.

Can beginners surf Baby Padang?

Yes, if there is enough water on the reef and rolling whitewater, then it is a good beginner spot.

Can intermediats surf Baby Padang?

Yes, it is an excellent spot to get your first green wave. The wave can reform from whitewater into a green wave and the ride can be very long. A reform wave is the easiest to catch and ride and many novice surfers have had their first ever green wave at Baby Padang.

Where to stay at Padang Padang

Padang Padang Surf Camp is walking distance from Padang Padang beach. It is strategically located to be close to all the Uluwatu surf breaks and within easy travelling distance of all the Bukit surf breaks and Airport reefs.

If you are a novice surfer and only want to surf Baby Padang then Suarga has an excellent view of the surf break. If a 5 star resort is out of your price range then there are various mid price hotels on the main road leading to Padang Padang and a few very cheap homestays. There is some accommodation on the beach nearby at Impossibles, but they are very over priced for the quality, and the sound of the surf at night can disturb your sleep.

Where to eat at Padang Padang

There are a handful of Warungs on the beach offering local food. A Waung is an Indonesian word for a small cafe/restaurant. Be careful what you order as food hygiene is not to western standards and they do not have fridges on the beach. Fried rice is usually safe to eat and coconut juice is not just delicious, it is healthy and nutricious.

Within 5 minutes of the entrance to the beach there are many restaurants to choose from. If you like Indian food we can recommend Krishna’s kitchen which is very reasonably priced. Next door is the salad lab – choose your own salad – great choice of ingredients and delicious if you pick the right combination. Kala is a newly opened Greek restaurant which is excellent. Read our blogs for more information on restaurants and warungs in this area.

What to do for non-surfers at Padang Padang

Padang Padang beach is arguably the most beautiful beach in Bali. There is a reason why it was chosen as the location for the movie Eat, Pray, Love. It is a great place to swim and hang out to watch the sunset. On full moons there will be DJ’s and live music.


Baby Padang is a beautiful white sand beach.

It also happens to be the best beginner surf spot in the Uluwatu region of Bali and is also suitable for intermediate surfers.

With its gentle waves, predictable nature, consistency, and unique features such as the channel, Baby Padang is the perfect surf spot for learning and progression.

At our Uluwatu surf camp and surf school, we’ve helped countless beginners become confident surfers at Baby Padang. Its close proximity to our surf camp makes it a favorite spot for our students to practice and enjoy the thrill of surfing.

We invite you to join our surf camp and surf school where our experienced instructors will guide you through the art of surfing while ensuring your safety and enjoyment.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to take your skills to the next level, you’ll get expert instruction and support.

Reach out to us today and begin your surfing journey.