Surf Video Tips for Beginners and Intermediate surfers
To complement our Surfing Tutorials for Beginner and Intermediate-advanced surfers, we have also compiled some practical videos on surf equipment and wave riding tips
Beginner videos
Getting to know your equipment, and how to set it up is necessary, to be independent. Standing on the board correctly is fundamental to progressing your wave riding.
How to correctly attach the leash string to a surfboard. Doing it the correct way saves the rail from being damaged and also prevents wear and tear on the string which would cause it to break.
How not to lose your board
Advice on what type of leash to buy and tips to not lose your board when surfing. This video could not just save you a swim in – it could save your life!
4 Tips for Riding a wave
1. Look where you want to go 2. Chest facing forward
3. Bend at the knees (not the waist)
4. Arms either side of you (for balance and control)
Intermediate surfers
If you’re a beginner or intermediate surfer, and you’re looking to take your skills to the next level, we invite you to join our surf school at Uluwatu’s top surf camp where we will teach you how to stand on the board correctly, and how to steer and turn the surfboard.
For more information on the correct way to surf and how to improve your technique check out our surfing tutorial videos for intermediate and advanced.